There is no denying that there are two sides to every holiday. At thanksgiving, we have carte blanche to eat as much delicious food as we want; the flip-side being that once the food has left our stomachs we are filled with nothing but regret and a strong desire to hit the gym. Christmas is also great... that is, until you realize all the lines your going to have to stand in to buy gifts with the person at the cashier trying to win the "exact change award".
Out of all the holidays we have though, there is only one that is capable of inspiring either profound joy or crippling depression ...
That's right guys, I'm talking about V-Day.

Originating from the Roman holiday "Lupercalia,"(look up Lupercalia on Google, I dare you), and later named to honor a Christian Martyr, Valentines Day has now become a holiday where people exchange cards, flowers and chocolates to show their appreciation for those they love. For some people, Valentines day marks a day of rejoicement and assurance that your significant other has been paying attention to those hints you've been dropping about that necklace at that store. For other people, usually single people, its a day to work on your plans for a time machine that will help you skip forward to Feb. 15th.
I'm no cynic. Ever since kindergarten, where we passed out cute little cards with candy attached to them, I have always been a big supporter of Valentines Day. Maybe its because, in the depth of winter when everyone cold and miserable, Valentines day provides people with an excuse to be nice to each other....also because I like fresh flowers.While I am fortunate enough to spend Valentines Day with someone special this year, there were many, many years where I spent Valentines Day in quiet solitude, in my PJ's chipping away at a quart of Ben&Jerry's like a miner searching for gold, or in my case, love (cue the angsty Taylor Swift music).
But it doesn't have to be this way ladies. If you are single, there is no reason you should have to spend Valentines day swaddled in a blanket of sadness, nor should you ostracize yourself from the rest of the human race. Don't get me wrong, as much as I like Valentines Day, I completely understand how aggravating it is to be single and surrounded by lovie-dovie people; some of which feel the need to utter the words no single person on Valentines day wants to hear: "Don't worry, you'll probably find someone for next year." I have one thing to say about those people...and it's in the expletive.
So, for all you single girls (or even guys) out there looking to find a way to enjoy Valentines day without having to murder the next person who gives you the "poor you" head tilt, I've compiled a little list of some activities you may enjoy.
Here they are...and trust me, I tried avoiding classic cliches
So, for all you single girls (or even guys) out there looking to find a way to enjoy Valentines day without having to murder the next person who gives you the "poor you" head tilt, I've compiled a little list of some activities you may enjoy.
Here they are...and trust me, I tried avoiding classic cliches
1.Its Hammer Time!
Assuming you're not interested in wearing it again and you can't sell it, take all the jewelry given to you by your exes and smash it to bits! I know this sounds odd but trust me, its extremely cathartic....don't ask me how I know that. What are you? A cop?
2. Scary Movie Night.
Trust me, nothing will make you forget heartbreak faster than watching a guy get his own heart ripped out by a zombie. My personal suggestions are Shaun of the Dead, Cabin in the Woods and Silence of the Lambs (which, believe it or not, originally came out on Valentines Day in 1991!)
3. Lets Get Physical...Wonder-Woman style!
Legally Blonde said it best: "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy!" Keep in mind when I say exercise, I'm not saying you should do push ups..dear god no. I'm saying do something cool like take a kickboxing class or go to a rock-climbing gym. Do something that makes you feel like a bad-ass!
4. Make your own Valentines
Skip the store! Get your creative juices flowing by handcrafting your own heartfelt, silly or even dark-humored Valentines to your friends. As someone who has both made and received homemade Valentines, I can tell you they do not go unapreciated. I recently wrote one to my mother, it said "Dear mom, thank you for living in a house with only a few creaky made sneaking down into the kitchen at night so much easier! Happy Valentines Day, Love Hayleigh
5. Bake a chocolate feast!
Bikini season is still a long way away, so preheat the oven and bake up some mouthwatering creations that you can eat while you watch those scary movies. For potential recipes click here, here, and here.
Skip the store! Get your creative juices flowing by handcrafting your own heartfelt, silly or even dark-humored Valentines to your friends. As someone who has both made and received homemade Valentines, I can tell you they do not go unapreciated. I recently wrote one to my mother, it said "Dear mom, thank you for living in a house with only a few creaky made sneaking down into the kitchen at night so much easier! Happy Valentines Day, Love Hayleigh
5. Bake a chocolate feast!
Bikini season is still a long way away, so preheat the oven and bake up some mouthwatering creations that you can eat while you watch those scary movies. For potential recipes click here, here, and here.
6. Puppy Love <3
Volunteer at a local animal shelter or, if you are ready for it, adopt an dog or cat. Animals need love too, and what better way of showing it then giving an furry friend a good home. Again, only if you are ready! Never bring an animal into your life on a whim!
7. Spa Day
Make a trip with some of your other single friends to go to a nice spa where you can get some much needed TLC. (Or, if you cant afford to do that, find the nearest Lush store, pick up one of their awesome bath bombs, and take a bubble bath). Winter sucks! go get a massage to ease the tension from shoveling all that snow. Speaking of which....time for me to go dig my car out again..sigh*
8. Shoot like Cupid!
Now this isn't for everyone, but if you are up for it, go to a local gun range and practice shooting at the targets (and only the targets!). I hear it really gets the blood pumping. Or, if you are looking for something less violent and a bit more fun, I hear archery tag is now a thing. Unleash your inner Katniss!
Well, I'm afraid that's all the ideas I have for this Valentines Day. If you do try out any of these ideas, let me know in the comments. However you choose to celebrate the day of love, I hope you enjoy yourself! :)
Much Love,
Volunteer at a local animal shelter or, if you are ready for it, adopt an dog or cat. Animals need love too, and what better way of showing it then giving an furry friend a good home. Again, only if you are ready! Never bring an animal into your life on a whim!
7. Spa Day
Make a trip with some of your other single friends to go to a nice spa where you can get some much needed TLC. (Or, if you cant afford to do that, find the nearest Lush store, pick up one of their awesome bath bombs, and take a bubble bath). Winter sucks! go get a massage to ease the tension from shoveling all that snow. Speaking of which....time for me to go dig my car out again..sigh*
8. Shoot like Cupid!
Now this isn't for everyone, but if you are up for it, go to a local gun range and practice shooting at the targets (and only the targets!). I hear it really gets the blood pumping. Or, if you are looking for something less violent and a bit more fun, I hear archery tag is now a thing. Unleash your inner Katniss!
Well, I'm afraid that's all the ideas I have for this Valentines Day. If you do try out any of these ideas, let me know in the comments. However you choose to celebrate the day of love, I hope you enjoy yourself! :)
Much Love,
Ha! You and I posted our "Single On Vday" post at almost the same time! Too weird!
ReplyDeleteThat is wierd, awesome but wierd! hahaha
DeleteAwesome Hayleigh - thanks!!