Thursday, March 26, 2015

March Thoughts: Money On My Mind


I don't know if its because of St. Patty's day, the fact that I can see the first sprigs of grass appearing amidst the melting snow, or simply because its my favorite color, but March has me seeing green...

And by green, I mean money.

I know that sounds terrible. After all, I'm a firm defender of the whole "money cant buy you happiness" principle.  But bear with me here as I continue my stream-of-consciousness-style typing. Up until three weeks ago I was an anxiety ridden mess who, through a series of unfortunate circumstances, had the good and also very bad fortune of finding herself among the unemployed. 

Why good? 
Because It gave me time to focus on projects like finding a new job.

Why bad?
Because I had to find a new job.

It was difficult, but as of three weeks ago, I managed to secure a really good job; one where I actually don't mind getting up early in the morning (Go Me!). After what I experienced in my previous job, I didn't believe such a thing was even possible. Though I dare say I have become a bit too dependent on coffee....but I digress.
With no job in sight and absent of a steady paycheck coming my way, my anxiety was at an all time high. What if I ran out of money? What if I missed the deadline for one of my loan payments? What if it took me months before I found another job? And what if, god forbid, it was like the previous one? Fortunately, none of those scenarios happened. This whole experience has given me a new appreciation for my parents, who have had to deal with the ups and downs of the job market for longer than I've been alive. That being said, I suppose the whole "worrying about money" concept is a serious milestone in the beginning stages of adulthood. And when I say worrying about money, I am not talking about "saving-for-that-concert" or "buying-that-dress" type of money saving. I am talking about financially mapping out your future. Some people start early when it comes to prepping their finances; others much too late. As for me? I don't honestly don't know where I am on that scale, but I'm hoping I'm on the early side of things.
I know how to balance a checkbook, I have a basic concept of what an IRA is, and I know when to save and when to hoard away my money like Smaug in The Hobbit. But do I know how to file taxes? No (my parents helped me). Do I know when or how to apply for a credit card? No. Do I know when I'll ever finish paying off my student loans....definitely not, but I shall consult the magic 8-ball on the matter because, lets face it, that's the only foresight I currently have (cue the violent shaking).

As I type, I know this whole thing is sounding like one of those lectures your parents gave you as you drove back to college to begin a new semester. I honestly don't mean for it to sound like that. I suppose I'm just nostalgic for the time when I didn't have to worry about establishing  a line of credit in order to apply for future loans, paying back current student loans, or if I'll ever be able to afford a house. I fondly remember a time when those concerns couldn't even penetrate my much younger skull....those were the days my friends....those were the days...
 I have had many safety nets to rescue me from the many pitfalls of life. However, this realization is accompanied by another; the realization that, in planning for the finances will slowly play a greater role. Money certainly cannot buy happiness, that is an absolute fact, but if you plan accordingly, you need not worry about something as trivial as money getting in the way of your real goals. Cash is cold and hard, but life is too sometimes.

Maybe I'm just typing away like a madwoman here...does anyone else feel the same way? Share the same thoughts? Anybody else reach this milestone in adulthood? Let me know down in the comments.
As always, much love..

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Vintage Barn: My Favorite Store

If you ever find yourself in Massachusetts, do me a favor, take a little trip down the Daniel Shays Highway. Keep driving until you come to the center of Belchertown, drive though the light and bear left on to Mill Valley Rd. Stop driving when you see this...

 Congratulations, you have just found one of Belchertown's best kept secrets .
This ladies and gents, is The Vintage Barn, a.k.a my favorite store.

  Warning! this post contains a TON of photos (I couldn't help myself).
Vintage Barn: Exterior
I first discovered the Vintage Barn on an outing with my mom. We were just driving around; which is another way of saying we went shopping. It wasn't until the end of our journey that we happened to stumble upon this little red building. We turned into the parking lot, not thinking anything of it. I was impressed by all of the beautiful antiques placed on the porch, but it wasn't until I stepped inside that I had an Alice-falling-down-the rabbit-hole experience.

Talk about a treasure chest! There was just so much to look at...if it wasn't vintage, unique, sparkling, or just plain gorgeous, it wasn't in the store. The store also features the work of local craftsman. As I said in my previous post, my personal style leans toward the side of whimsy. Needless to say, I was in heaven . Seriously, there was something special tucked into every nook and cranny. We immediately received a very warm welcome from the stores owner Lisa Allen, who has since become a very good friend. After looking around...for quite a while (Seriously, my dad called and asked if we were ever coming home), I made my first purchase; an absolutely gorgeous lamp which is sitting on the table to my right as I type this.

Whenever I go into the Vintage Barn, my wallet practically opens itself. That is not to say that I spend a fortune whenever I go there; quite the contrary. Everything at the vintage barn is fairly priced and entirely unique. Aside from the lamp I mentioned earlier, some other purchases I have made include: a chandelier made to look like a tea-set, a metal "@" symbol to hang on my wall and a packet of barbecue-spice rub which was made locally.

Try some of the free samples!

Wanna see some of my favorite items I discovered on my most recent trip? Scroll on down!

This box of felted mushrooms :)

These adorable pink baby slippers!

Homemade Candles
Vintage Signs
Hand-knitted hats, scarves and socks 

Spotted some infinity scarves in the corner

cute pillows 

If you want to discover the rest of what the store has to offer you can check out their Facebook Page
or you can pop on by for a visit. Oh and one more thing...

I want to take him home with me!
If you happen to see this friendly ball of fluff in the store, don't be alarmed, his name is Buddy and he is the store mascot. Be sure to say hi to him when you walk through the door.

Seriously, if you ever find yourself in Western MA, go to the Vintage Barn. Step inside, have a free fresh cup of coffee (oh yeah, they have that too!), say hi to Lisa and buy yourself something nice. I promise you wont regret it! :)

Much Love

Sunday, March 8, 2015

New Video! "What's On My Bookshelf?"

One of my biggest obsessions is collecting books. I cant aptly explain the high I get just by going into a bookstore and bringing home some new reading material. I'd like to think that, when I die, my ghost will haunt Barnes & Noble. Wanna know what books are currently sitting on my bookshelf? Check out the video below!

Please Subscribe!

Monday, March 2, 2015

How To Tastefully Geek-Up Your Workspace

 I don't know if its because of my artistic temperament or its simply a Libra thing, but its always been extremely important to me that I feel comfortable in whatever space I claim as my own. This means that, be it desk or bedroom, my inner interior designer will take over and start changing things to suit my own personal aesthetic which, weirdly enough,  lies somewhere at the intersection of whimsical, nerdy and contemporary. Growing up I was very fortunate to have parents that gave me the freedom to do whatever I wanted with my bedroom... including painting a mural on my door. Now that I am older and have even more freedom, I find myself devoting even more time to finding bits and pieces that I can use to dress up whatever area I occupy.

Since I will be starting a new job soon (hurray!), I thought it might be fun to do a post about creating an ideal workspace that tastefully shows off your inner geek. After all, if most of your day is spent in a cubicle, its important that you create a space you actually enjoy working in. Unless of course you are a minimalist who prefers to focus their creative energy elsewhere...nothing wrong with that. :)

Dressing up a cubicle is challenging . You don't have much space to work with and, depending on where you work, your creativity might be restricted to a few items. Furthermore, as most jobs require you work in close quarters with others, you have to be careful not to go overboard when it comes to bringing in items that suit your personality. However, if you have a serious geeky side like me, designing your workspace is easy because you can incorporate any number of items across a wide spectrum (especially technology!). Whether it be the mug you put your morning coffee in or the mouse pad you use, creating a geeky workspace can be a fun process.

Here are a few ideas for you to transform your workspace from boring and drab to a nerds paradise!

1. These awesome Test Tubes for organizing desk supplies
For the science geek in your life.    Lab-solutely Organized Desk Supply Set, #ModCloth
I cant believe I never thought of this! This is perfect for anyone working in a science-related field or for anyone looking to creatively organize those pesky paper clips. This particular set is available from ModCloth and it comes fully stocked with the supplies shown according to the reviews. But, in my opinion, its a bit pricy. If you are determined enough I'm sure you could find the supplies to make a cheaper version. 

2. Make a Nerdy Terrarium!
Screen Shot 2013-05-17 at 1.28.37 PM
Why settle for a boring office plant when you could have an awesome terrarium with stuff from your favorite fandom inside?! I particularly like this doctor who-inspired terrarium shown above which also comes with a DIY description on this lovely blog I found. I also found pictures of of some other geeky terrariums inspired by Star Wars, The Hobbit and Adventure Time. I want to make one with a Totoro in it :)

3.  Lego Calendar

I don't care who you are you never outgrow playing with Legos! They make everything awesome (see what I did there?). Basically, this puzzle calendar gives you an excuse to play with Legos everyday. What could be better than that?

4. Tetris Desk Lamp
Want a cool desk lamp that will save space? This Tetris lamp is the perfect choice. Actually, thinking about it, anything with a ton of color in it is a good choice for an office.
5. Game of Thrones Letter Openers

 These letter openers inspired by swords from Game of Thrones will help you open the company mail and feel like a bad-ass at the same time! I think my weapon of choice would have to be Jon Snow's sword "Longclaw".

6.  Frame Fandom Artwork
Sherlock Poster, Art Print
I am LOVING this art print someone did of my favorite show, Sherlock. Its simple yet creative and it reminds me of so many of my favorite moments from the show itself. It just fills my heart with glee.  Having something like this like this to look at in the workplace is a good idea especially when I start to feel really stressed. Or at the very least, it will help remind me to visit my mind palace when I'm faced with a problem I don't know how to solve. I highly recommend framing a bit of artwork from your favorite Fandom and sticking it in your cubicle.

7. Grab Yourself a Geek-Chic Mug
Doctor Who "Good cup of tea" Tenth Doctor Quote Mug with Sonic Screwdriver and TARDIS - Hand-painted, square white cup
It doesn't matter if you drink coffee or tea at work, what does matter is the mug you use to drink it! Ok, a little dramatic there...but seriously, there is nothing I like more than typing away on my computer with a steaming cup of whatever nearby and I'm sure I'm not the only one. What's even better is that the mug I use has a design or quote on it that makes me smile. The mug shown above with a quote from the Tenth Doctor is a subtle way I can show off my Whovian pride at work.

 Okay! Thats all the suggestions I have for this post. Feel free to let me know in the comments if you have any other ideas, or if you plan on incorporating one from this post into your workspace. :)

Much Love,