Tuesday, January 27, 2015

New Video! 2014 Movie Wrap Up (contains spoilers)

I'll admit it, I spent the majority of 2014 in the movie theater. Can you blame me though? So many good movies came out. Here is my new video where I reveal my favorite movies of 2014 and the reactions those movies inspired. 


Friday, January 16, 2015

10 Things To Do While Waiting for Sherlock: Season 4

Let's all be honest with ourselves, there is a downside to being a fan of Sherlock
Make no mistake, the writing of Stephen Moffat and Mark Gatiss is genius, the performances of Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock) and Martin Freeman (Dr. Watson) are brilliant enough to make any nerdy girl swoon, and the show also features strong  female characters as well.

So what could possibly be wrong with a show such as this? Well folks...

It's the waiting.


There is no denying that being a follower of this show is more than just a choice, its a commitment. Fans of Sherlock are forced to endure a waiting period of about 2 years between each season. While each episode of the season is roughly an hour and a half long, there are only 3 episodes per season. Each season feels like it ends as soon as it started and, before too long, we are going through Sherlock withdrawals.
Watching the show, you can see that Moffat and Gatiss do put an immense amount of thought into carefully crafting each episode. Still, I can't help but wonder if their genius is dependent upon gathering the tears of millions of fans and bathing in them.
According to my internet perusing, seasons 4 and 5 of Sherlock have been mapped out. However, Moffat confirmed that fans will once again be playing the waiting game for quite a bit longer when it comes the fourth season. 
Although this news is undoubtedly hard to swallow, most, if not all Sherlock fans would agree that they would not want Moffat and Gatiss to rush the creative process, nor would they want the writers to sacrifice quality for the sake of quantity; that's how shows like CBS's Elementary are born (that's right... I went there).
As a die-hard Sherlock fan, I am used to my patience being tested. Still, one must find new and inventive ways to pass the time. So without further ado, here it is...

10 Things To Do While Waiting for Sherlock: Season 4

1.Host a Sherlock themed tea-party

I'll bring the biscuits!

2.Learn how to break a cipher

Preferably an ancient Chinese numeral system


3.  Learn to play the violin

You totally have the time, I promise.
Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock plays the violin.
4. Go on a date

Just remember to actually wear clothes...


5.Take a trip to the country

In case of gigantic hounds, bring a friend.
 6. Tidy up your apartment

Hopefully yours doesn't have bullets lodged in the walls.

7. Figure out what Lestrade's Division is.

Because no one seems to know apparently, not even the man himself.


8. Run around London with your best friend

Injured leg be damned!
Watson and Holmes running

9.Steal the crown jewels

And dance like a pretty ballerina while you do it.

 10. Construct an elaborate plan to fake your own death

Because your friends and family will totally forgive you when you return.


 On second thought...don't do that

  Remember all you Sherlock fans, we are in this together. The wait is hard, the seasons are short, but the end result...perfection. 

Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go catch up on some Dr. Who.


Friday, January 9, 2015

Adopting A Wolf

This December, thanks to someone very dear to me, I was able to fulfill a childhood dream..
I adopted a wolf.

His name is Grendel.
I want to clarify...this doesn't mean I have a wolf loping around my apartment, sleeping at the foot of my bed, or annoying my neighbors with it's howling (though I imagine it would make less of a ruckus than they do most days). In fact, my wolf lives quite a distance away from me at a place called Wolf Hollow in Ipswich, MA where he lives with nine other wolves. As stated on their website, Wolf Hollow is a non profit organization dedicated to teaching people about the wolf and its importance as a keystone species. Founded in 1990, Wolf Hollow offers people the chance to observe gray wolves in as natural a setting as possible.

The first time I visited Wolf Hollow I was in the first grade. It was part of a class trip. When we arrived, I'll admit didn't know what to expect. I had never seen a wolf before and my knowledge of wolves was confined to fairy-tales involving girls with a penchant for wearing red. After waiting a few minutes, my classmates and I were herded along a fenced-in enclosure. It wasn't until I sat in their small wooden amphitheater just outside the enclosure that I was able to see the wolves through the fence. What I saw that day amazed me. Any fear I felt was quickly replaced by fascination as I watched the wolves interact with each other as well as the 1 or 2 Wolf Hollow volunteers who actually stood amongst them and spoke to my class from inside the enclosure.

What I learned that day is that there are very few differences between a wolf pack and a human family. Both operate on a system of mutual respect and trust. In one wolf pack you have a variety of different personalities working together to support each other through good times as well as bad. While wolves do operate on a hierarchy (omega, beta, alpha), a single wolf may assume many different roles throughout its life depending on a variety of factors. Ultimately, what I took away from the experience was that the wolf is a very misunderstood creature whose presence in the wild is not only important...but extremely necessary.

I visited Wolf Hollow again in September 2014. Not much had really changed over the years in regards to it's setting. The fencing around the enclosure had changed to offer greater privacy and security for the wolves and another enclosure was added. What was new though was that, in 2011, five new wolf puppies had been introduced to Wolf Hollow and raised by the alpha female Nina. However, by the time I got there, the puppies had grown into juveniles. Once again, I was entranced by each of their unique personalities.

(Source: From left to right: Arrow, Argus, Neveah, Linnea, Grendel)

 Arrow: he seemed a bit cautious at first but as the presentation of the new wolves continued he appeared more comfortable. It wasn't until feeding time came that he showed his place in the hierarchy as he was one of the first to eat. By the time I make my next visit, he might take his place as Alpha

Argus: A very quiet but handsome wolf . He hung back for most of the presentation with Linnea (whose basically his twin).

Neveah: Beta Female. She was very shy, only showing up when it was time to eat. Otherwise, she spent most of her time in another part of the large enclosure where the bushes shielded her from view. What was hysterical though was that, when the volunteers brought a box of fresh meat for the wolves,... she grabbed the box and ran away with it!

Linnea: Like her brother, Linnea appears to be shy and quiet. Through most of the presentation she was sitting a good distance away from the fence, sunbathing and eying us from afar.

Grendel: He is a potential Alpha, however, he might be settling into the role of 2nd in command. He stands out a bit from the rest of his litter-mates because he is very lanky. Though his fur is now silver, his snout is mostly black. I cannot tell you why he stood out to me so much...perhaps I have a thing for underdogs..or in this case, the "under-wolf".

There are other wolves at Wolf Hollow who are just as fascinating as the ones I already talked about. There is the alpha female Nina,  the independent Jelly, Nina's sister Osa, and a wolf-dog hybrid named Bear (that's right.. a hybrid!).

So what does it mean to adopt a wolf at Wolf Hollow?
It means you offer a donation to Wolf Hollow which goes directly to the care of your adopted wolf. You can also adopt several wolves or even the entire pack if you desire. Wolf Hollow offers several different types of donation packages. There are a variety of different benefits to donating including free admission, merchandise, as well as a picture of your adopted wolf (mine is sitting in a frame on my bureau)! For more info, Check out the Wolf Hollow Facebook Page! (click here)

So if you are looking to take your little ones someplace brilliant, go on a unique date, or just looking for a truly wonderful experience with one of natures most majestic creatures, I give Wolf Hollow my highest recommendation.

Go. You wont regret it.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Years Resolutions Video!

I think its pretty clear that there is one part of the new year that nobody looks forward to...making new years resolutions. I too am prone to making and subsequently breaking them every year. Check it out in this new video I have posted on my VLOG.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Surviving Post-College Depression

Firstly, let me begin this post by stating that my decision to write about this particular topic was influenced by my discussions with other post-collegiates as well as my own experiences. While I do want to continue this blog with more upbeat posts regarding my life and all the upcoming, exciting things I get to take part in (i.e. sketch comedy channel, vlog etc.) I believe that this is an extremely important topic to address; both for my own sake as well as others who might be taking that leap from college to the "real world". It is not my intention for this post to make others fearful of life after college, or go on a whining spree. Quite the contrary, it is my intention to offer up my own experiences in the hopes that it might provide people some insight on how to battle post-college depression.

There is no denying how great it feels to walk up to the stage in your commencement ceremony and receive your diploma. After all, it is an entire day devoted to giving you the validation you deserve for writing endless essays, surviving countless exams, and living off of the vending machine at all hours of the night while you study, study, study....

Community Post: 28 Creative Graduation Caps

But what about AFTER you graduate?

During my junior year of college, I recall asking many a senior (my roommate included) how it felt to know that, in a month or two, they would be done. This was usually the response I got: "Well, I don't know... I kinda don't want to leave because that means I gotta start paying back those loans hahaha!"

I gotta admit... at the time I thought they were crazy. Who would want to stay in school when when you could live in the real world and not have to worry about projects, essay or midterms? Sure, paying back loans sucked, but at least you had the time to start pursuing your dreams on your own terms. Well, having graduated in May 2014, I now understand the fear those seniors had when confronted with the idea of transitioning from student to graduate. 

I cant pinpoint exactly when the depression started as life after graduating proved to be a bit of a whirlwind experience. Since graduating and moving out of my childhood home, I have moved not once, not twice, but THREE times. I also had to quit THREE jobs along the way, with my first full-time job proving to be a bait-and-switch type of experience. And don't even get me started about how it felt when that first loan bill arrived...

Needless to say, after a while, I started to feel pretty useless. It didn't take  me long to figure out that having a degree doesn't mean that everything will automatically fall into place. Don't get me wrong, I certainly didn't expect to get a great job right away...I'm not that naive. What I didn't expect was just how draining job searching can be. I was applying to what I estimate to be between 50-100 job postings a week. I was going (and in some cases sprinting) from interview to interview trying to market myself to people I had never met before. With every rejection email I received, I began to feel my confidence and self-esteem being chipped away.

The fear of failure kept me awake at night, and sometimes even invaded my dreams and transforming them into nightmares. I had many panic attacks which would cripple me for hours on end. There are still some days when I struggle to get out of bed, and as time goes by, I expect there will be more days when everything just feels hopeless. These types of feelings take their toll in a variety of ways.  Just a month ago in fact, I discovered something new...stress rashes. That's right, a RASH...from STRESS.

This is what most students leave College with

In trying to make sense of these feelings I was experiencing, I went to the place most people go when searching for answers...Google. What I discovered during my internet perusal was that post-college depression results from what many people refer to as a "Quarter Life Crisis".

The two biggest pillars of this crisis that I related to the most are:
1. Long-held expectations not being met: 
I cannot even begin to tell you how many of my professors and my career advisers raved about the ocean of opportunities that awaited me once I got my degree. Now, whenever someone asks me "Whats going on with your career?" I have to fight the urge to curl up into a ball of despair. The ocean of opportunities it turns out, is more like a shallow puddle.
2. Reinventing your identity: 
 For many years, my entire identity was centered on the fact that I was a student. I woke up, went to classes, did my schoolwork and, if I was lucky, went to sleep at a decent hour. My world, and my identity revolved around this cycle. With a rigorous schedule keeping me busy, I didn't have time to really look closely at who I was and what I wanted out of life. Now that I have an surplus of time on my hands, there is more time for introspection. After college, you realize that you are a blank canvas...a realization that inspires both joy and fear.

This isn't to say that I haven't enjoyed life after college. Gaining this new independence brought with it some great experiences. For a while, I had the opportunity to live with some of my closest friends, something I always looked forward to doing. Not being weighed down by schoolwork has also allowed me the time to explore what I really wanted to do with my life. I know they say that college is the best time you have for self-exploration but, for me and many others I know, this isn't the case.

So what's my advice for surviving life after college?

1. Prepare for cold hard slap of reality
When you leave college, prepare for rejection, prepare for waiting long periods of time (sometimes weeks) to hear back from a potential employee after an interview. Prepare for breakdowns, prepare for disappointment, prepare to let certain opportunities pass by...but, most importantly, prepare for success when it happens.

2. Don't rush to take the first job offer you get
Its a mistake I myself have made, and one I came to regret. I ended up rushing to take the first offer I got out of fear that another one might not come along. Although the job had good pay and good benefits,  I was miserable. When I called my mother to ask her advice , this is what she had to say: "Hayleigh, imagine if someone offered you a job that paid a lot of money and had amazing benefits...now imagine that your employer tells you in exchange for these benefits, you have to kill puppies, would you take that job? Would the good benefits be enough to keep you there? "
My mother has a blunt but effective way of putting things in perspective...
The point I am trying to make here is do what makes you happy.

3. Its ok to live at home for a while
If you can afford to live on your own (or with roommates) do it. However, if you cant afford it don't be ashamed to return back to the nest. Take it from someone whose moved a lot in the past few months. I could have saved myself a lot of frustration, (not to mention money) if I had just swallowed my pride and went back home to live with my parents. Forget the stigma. You'll probably have the last laugh anyway when all your friends are complaining to you about their apartment expenses and your sitting in your room balancing a bowl of your mom's delicious homemade lasagna on your belly.

4. Exercise
I hate to say it, but exercising really does help you deal with post-college depression and stress. For my own sanity I've been jogging on the weekends. So get out there and start sweating!

5. Find something to invest your time into
 When I say find something to invest in, I'm not talking about the stock market or romantic relationships, I'm talking about exploring the stuff that really really makes you happy. For me, its working on my Vlog/Blog. It keeps me busy and it allows me to explore who I am without any outside pressure. For you, that may be cooking, rock climbing, painting etc. Whatever you choose to do, set some time aside to do it regularly and make sure its something you really enjoy. Who knows? You may be able to make a career out of it.

In short, realize that even though life after college can leave you feeling depressed, stressed and just plain exhausted, its just one point in your life. In order for a stone to get polished, it has to be tossed around and removed of its rougher edges. I know how hard it is to be optimistic when you first enter the real world. As I said before, I'm sure their will still be days when I become overwhelmed by feelings of failure. When this happens though, I will try to remember the words of one of my favorite animated characters...

"Just keep swimming"


P.S. If you want to know what articles I found most helpful in writing this post click here, here and here.