Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A Bloggers Beginning

Allow me to paint a little picture for you here...

     Imagine a 24 year old girl currently typing away on her computer in a cozy apartment. She hasn't gone outside once, nor has she changed out of her PJ's. Her day started at approximately 10:30 in the morning when she was awoken by the sound  of her phone. After swiping at the screen groggily, she answers only to find out its a representative from the staffing agency she is in touch with. After a short discussion, she promises to immediately send along an email with an attached resume. She then sends out the same email to the 2 other staffing agency's she is in touch with in the hopes that one of them will find her a job...or at least some temp work. After all, those loans aren't going to pay themselves.
       Now here she sits, on a Tuesday afternoon, sipping tea out of a Doctor Who themed mug and going back and forth between reading various internet articles, watching Netflix, and trying to decide what her next Vlog should be about. Keeping busy is the only shield she has against the crushing realization that the opportunities for a post-collegiate are so small they could pass through the eye of a needle.

Who is this girl you may ask?
...yup you guessed it. 

     My name is Hayleigh, I am an artist, a vlogger, and as of now...I am adding blogger to that list. 
Why? I'll be honest...boredom has small part to play. However, with all the upcoming projects I'm working on, I honestly feel like having a blog is not only an excellent creative outlet; it is also a necessity. 

What are these other projects you may ask? Well, they include...
1. A book (god help me)
2. A comedy skit show with my friends (soon to come)
3. My Vlog...of course

I'm sure more will be added to this list, however, in the meantime, be sure to check out my blog for more upcoming posts!


P.S. Happy New Year to all!!